Star Crossed: A reminder that change is necessary and it’s not a bad thing.

When I chose the name for my business I wanted to be sure I was choosing something with meaning and many people have questioned why I would choose “Star Crossed”.  Doesn’t it mean “bad luck” or “ill fated”?  Yes, it does, but what is luck?  What is fate?  If you continue reading you may come out with a different perspective on what “bad” means.  

Is fate against you, or are you against fate?  A crystal ball is in the background with tarot cards and smoke.

I named the business Star Crossed as a reminder to myself, and hopefully others, to reconsider the way we view “bad” things that happen to us.  The Universe demands balance and wants you to be on your true path.  I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.  Sometimes we will never learn the reason but that does not mean it did not have a purpose.  Have you ever had a day where it feels like everything is working against you?  From the moment you wake up, stub your toe on the bed frame, the water in the shower is cold, you spill your coffee, and every light on the way to work is red?  You may think you that you “woke up on the wrong side of the bed”.  What if the real reason for all this “bad luck” is because the universe is trying to communicate with you?  Is fate against you or are you against fate?

I used to think I had bad luck and bad timing because it seemed like crappy things kept happening to me and I couldn’t get ahead.  Looking at people around me, I could see that others were setting off to follow their dreams and I felt like I was stuck in a funk.  I started to ask myself why.  Why is a great question if you can set your ego aside and are open to new perspectives.  I started to wonder what I was doing wrong and I started reflecting inwards.  I came to understand that not only does everything happen for a reason but true coincidences are very rare.  So rare, in fact, that I don’t believe in coincidences anymore.

Why is a great question if you can set aside your ego and are open to new perspectives.  A person in a hoodie looks out at a lake at night with the milky way visible in the sky.

So, what could the universe be trying to tell you?  If you’re a really busy person always rushing around with 20 things on the go, maybe the universe wants you to slow down and focus on the present because you’re missing it.  Are you trying to plan a trip and every plan you make is falling apart?  Maybe you need to reconsider your plans, maybe there’s somewhere else you should go or someone else you should be with.  Do you keep thinking of someone, dreaming about them?  Call them or visit with them!  If you’re interested in diving deeper into the messages that the universe may be trying to send you, Live Bold & Bloom’s 21 Signs The Universe Is Trying To Tell You Something is a great place to start. 

Maybe all those red lights on the way to work are a signal that you might want to consider the idea you’ve been playing with about applying to a new job or starting your own business!  One of my favourite quotes is: “If I didn’t make you uncomfortable you never would have moved.” - The Universe. This reminds us that great things happen just on the other side of our comfort zone.  If the butterfly didn’t struggle to get out of its cocoon, it wouldn’t be able to fly.

If I didn't make you uncomfortable, you never would have moved - The Universe.  The sun breaking over the horizon of the planet earth with outerspace in the background.

The best part about having a new perspective is that you stop focusing on the bad and start looking for the good.  When you do this, more good things start happening to you.  Trust me, I know this is not an easy change to make, new habits take time to form.  Start with taking a minute and getting curious with what is happening around you or to you.  What lessons might you be needing to learn?  What change might need to be made?  For me, it’s not “good” or “bad” luck, it’s just luck.  When you learn to be open to the signals and willing to adapt to the changes, life becomes much smoother and less stressful.

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